Group members:
Kolesnichenko Yu.О., Chief Researcher
Stepanenko D.I., Leading Researcher
Kozlov I.V. – Researcher
Main areas of research
We study theoretically kinetic and thermodynamic properties of low-dimensional and strongly anisotropic (layered) conductors for obtaining essentially new physical representations and information concerning processes in these classes of conducting systems.
We consider a following complex of concrete fundamental problems:
● Studying of electron transport in highly anisotropic conductors with an arbitrary electron energy spectrum.
● Research of quantum oscillatory effects in a strong magnetic field with the purpose to obtain the data about energy spectrum of layered organic compounds and various modifications of conducting systems based on carbon.
● Studying of magnetic properties of organic conductors under strong magnetism of conduction electrons.
● Studying of high-frequency phenomena in organic conductors and other low-dimensional structures in view of Fermi-liquid correlations of charge carriers.
● Investigation of the influence of spin - orbit interaction on the electronic properties of two - dimensional conducting systems.
Important results in recent years
● Effects associated with the interference of electron waves around a magnetic point defect in two-dimensional electron gas with combined Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction in the presence of a parallel magnetic field are theoretically investigated. The effect of a magnetic field on the anisotropic spatial distribution of the local density of states and the local density of magnetization is analyzed. The existence of oscillations of the density of magnetization with scattering by a non-magnetic defect and the contribution of magnetic scattering (accompanied by spin-flip) in the local density of electron states are predicted [1].
● Two-dimensional (2D) electron systems with a combined Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (SOI) having a complicated energy spectrum with a conical point and four critical points are promising candidates to observe electron topological transitions. We have investigated the evolution of the electron spectrum and isoenergetic contours under the influence of a parallel magnetic field. General formulas for the energies of critical points for arbitrary values of SOI constants and magnetic field are found. The existence of critical magnetic fields at which a number of critical points is changed has been predicted. The magnetic field driving topological Lifshitz transitions in the geometry of isoenergetic contours has been studied. Van Hove's singularities in the electron density of states are calculated. The obtained results can be used for theoretical investigations of the different electron characteristics of such 2D systems [2,3].
● A theoretical investigation of the combined resonance of interlayer conductivity and spin magnetization, in conductors with quasi-two-dimensional electronic energy spectra. Analytical expressions are obtained for the surface impedance, magnetic susceptibility, and the resonance interlayer conductivity component caused by Rashba–Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, with allowance for spatial dispersion [4].
● We studied theoretically spin transport in a two-dimensional electron system with an essential spin-orbit interaction under topological phase transition due to changing a parallel magnetic field. Analytical formulas for the high-frequency magnetic susceptibility tensor under conditions when both spin bands are filled have been obtained. A numerical analysis giving full enough representation of the dependence of the spin magnetic susceptibility on the frequency and magnetic field is presented. It has been established that the magnetic susceptibility experiences a jump for magnetic field values at which the connectivity of the Fermi contour is changed [6].
● The transport properties of a two-dimensional electron system with an essential spin-orbit interaction under topological phase transition due to changing in-plane magnetic field were studied theoretically. We have analyzed the contribution of diagonal and off-diagonal with respect to number of spin zone components of density matrix in the high-frequency conductivity. Analytical formulas for the conductivity tensor have been obtained. We have shown that the contribution of the off-diagonal elements is the greater than the higher the frequency of the alternating electromagnetic field. It has been established that for magnetic field values at which the minimum electron energy of upper spin zone exceeds the Fermi energy, the conductivity as a function of magnetic field change in discrete step [7].
Important publications of the group (2018 – 2024 years)
1. I.V. Kozlov and Yu.A. Kolesnichenko. Friedel oscillations in 2D electron gas from spin-orbit interaction in a parallel magnetic field. Low Temperature Physics 44, 1299 (2018).
2. I.V. Kozlov, Yu.A. Kolesnichenko. Exact and quasiclassical Green's functions of two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba–Dresselhaus spin–orbit interaction in parallel magnetic field // Physics Letters A 383, No. 8, 764-769 (2019).
3. I.V. Kozlov, Yu.A. Kolesnichenko. Magnetic field driven topological transitions in the noncentrosymmetric energy spectrum of the two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. Physical Review B, 99, 085129 (2019).
4. D.I. Stepanenko. Combined resonance in quasi-two-dimensional conductors. Low Temperature Physics 46, 1021 (2020).
5. V.G. Peschansky, V.A. Sirenko, D.I. Stepanenko. Kinetic phenomena and collective modes in highly anisotropic organic conductors. Physics Reviews. Cambridge Scientific Publishers, 2020 – v. 25, part 3 - 107 p.
ISBN 978-1-908106-61-2 ISSN: 0143-0394
6. Yu.A. Kolesnichenko and D.I. Stepanenko. High-frequency magnetic susceptibility of a 2D electron gas with spin-orbit interaction in a parallel magnetic field under topological phase transition. Low Temp. Phys. 48, 463 (2022).
7. High-frequency transport properties of a 2D electron gas with spin-orbit interaction under magnetic field driven topological transition / Yu. A. Kolesnichenko, D. I. Stepanenko // Low Temp. Phys.- 2023.- Vol. 49, No.10.- P.1137.
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Executive editor: Andrii TEREKHOV