Department of Point-contact Spectroscopy



Andrii V. Terekhov

Head of Department

Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.)

Senior researcher


B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine


Phone: +380(99)764-2075





Date and place of birth: 6 June 1977, Donetsk Region, Gorlivka, Ukraine.


Education background


2000: M.Sc. – NTU«KhPI», Ukraine; Speciality – Physics of metals.


2008: Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.) – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU, speciality – Solid State Physics.


2020: Senior Researcher – Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; speciality – 104 Physics and Astronomy.



2000: Engineer – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2003: Junior Researcher (postdoctoral position) – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2008: Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2011: Senior Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2021: Head of Department B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.

Area of expertise


1. A comprehensive study of superconductivity in modern materials by various methods, the main of which is Andreev reflection microcontact spectroscopy.


2. Investigation of the features of the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism in magnetic superconductors.


3. Study of the behaviour of electrical and magnetoresistance under the influence of an external magnetic field and temperature in the newest materials.

Scientific and organizational activity


2017: member of the Scientific Council of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the problem "Electronic properties of conducting and superconducting systems".


2018: scientific secretary of the section "Electronic properties of solid states" of the Scientific Council of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the problem "Low temperature physics and cryogenic technology".


2020: scientific editor of the journal Physics of Low Temperatures.

Participation in international projects (in recent years)


2007-2016: Working Programs of the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the NAS of Ukraine.


2017-2020: Volkswagen foundation Trilateral Partnerships.


2024-2026: STCU project #7120



112 scientific papers (of which 47 are in scientific journals).


  • Key publications

    1. Magnetism of the singlet-singlet system PrNi5−xCux / A.G. Kuchin, A.M. Gurevich, V.M. Dmitriev, A.V. Terekhov, T.V. Chagovets, and A.S. Ermolenko // Journal of Alloys and Compоunds. – 2004. – Vol. 368, Issues 1–2. – P. 75–78.



    2. Structural  and  high-frequency (0–110 MHz)  resistive  characteristics of MgB2 in the temperature range 5–300 K / V.M. Dmitriev, N.N. Prentslau, V.N. Baumer, N.N. Galtsov, L.A. Ishchenko, A.L. Prokhvatilov, M.A. Strzhemechny, A.V. Terekhov, A. I. Bykov, V. I. Liashenko, Yu. B. Paderno, and V. N. Paderno // Low Temp. Phys. – 2004. – Vol. 30, № 4. – P. 284–291.



    3. Low-temperature heat capacity C60 doped with nitrogen / A.M. Gurevich, A.V. Terekhov, D.S. Kondrashev, A.V. Dolbin, D. Cassidy, G.E. Gadd, S. Moricca and

    B. Sundqvist // Low Temp. Phys. – 2006. – Vol. 32, № 11. – P. 967–969.



    4. Negative magnetoresistivity of the RM4Al8 (R = Sc, Y, Ce, Yb, Lu; M = Cr, Mn, Fe)  ternaries  with  the  ThMn12-type  crystal  structure  /  V.M. Dmitriev, A.V. Terekhov, W. Suski , L.A. Ishchenko, J. Ćwik, T. Palewski, B.Ya. Kotur, E. Talik // J. Alloys Comp. – 2008. – Vol. 452, № 2. – P. 217–224.



    5. Superconductivity and Magnetism of Dy1-xYxRh4B4: Candidate for Spin–Triplet Cooper Pairing / V.M. Dmitriev, A.J. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov, L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko and A.V. Terekhov // Acta Physica Polonica A. – 2008. – Vol. 114, № 1. – P. 83–90.

    DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.114.83


    6. Enhancement of  the  superconducting order parameter in the  compound Dy0.8Y0.2Rh4B4 at the phase transition of its magnetic subsystem from the antiferromagnetic to the ferrimagnetic state / V.M. Dmitriev, A. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov, L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, and A.V. Terekhov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2009. – Vol. 35, № 5. – P. 424–425.



    7. Andreev reflection spectroscopy of the new Fe-based superconductor EuAsFeO0.85F0.15:  Evidence  of  strong  anisotropy  in  the order   parameter / V.M. Dmitriev, E.P. Khlybov, D.S. Kondrashov, A.V. Terekhov, L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, I.E. Kostyleva, and A.J. Zaleski // Low Temp. Phys. – 2011. – Vol. 37, № 4. – P. 280–286.



    8. The   Volleben    effect   in   magnetic  superconductors Dy1-xYxRh4B4 (x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6) / V.M. Dmitriev, A.V. Terekhov, A. Zaleski, E.N. Khatsko, P.S. Kalinin, A.I. Rykova, A.M. Gurevich, S.A. Glagolev, E.P. Khlybov, I.E. Kostyleva, and S.A. Lachenkov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2012. – Vol. 38, № 2. – P. 154–156.



    9. Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy of a magnetic superconductor Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4 / L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, A.V. Terekhov, I.V. Zolochevskii, T.V. Salenkova, E.P.Khlybov, and A.J. Zaleski // Low Temp. Phys. – 2012. – Vol. 38, № 12 – P. 1106–1111.



    10. Terekhov A.V. Wohlleben effect in YRh4B4 / A.V. Terekhov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2013. – Vol. 39, № 7. – P. 640–641.



    11. Anisotropy of electric resistance and upper critical field in magnetic superconductor Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4 / A.V. Terekhov, I.V. Zolochevskii , E.V. Khristenko,  L.A. Ishchenko, E.V. Bezuglyi, A. Zaleski,   E.P. Khlybov,   S.A. Lachenkov // Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. – 2016. – Vol. 524. – P. 1–4.



    12. Features of magnetoresistance and magnetic properties in Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 / A.V. Terekhov, K. Rogacki, A.L. Solovjov, A.N. Bludov, A.I. Prokhvatilov, V.V. Meleshko, I.V. Zolochevskii, E.V. Khristenko, J. Cwik, A. Los, A.D. Shevchenko, Z.D. Kovalyuk, and O.M. Ivasishin // Low Temp. Phys. – 2018. – Vol. 44, № 11. – P. 1153–1160.



    13. Magnetic ordering and specific features of its coexistence with superconductivity in Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4 // A.V. Terekhov, I.V. Zolochevskii, L.A. Ischenko, A.N. Bludov, A. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov, and S.A. Lachenkov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2019. – Vol. 45. – P. 1241–1245.



    14. Effect of meter-range electromagnetic irradiation on the current-voltage characteristics of wide superconducting films / I.V. Zolochevskii, A.V. Terekhov, E.V. Bezuglyi, L.O. Ischenko, E.V. Khristenko // Low Temp. Phys. – 2019. – Vol. 45, No 11, 1178-1181.



    15. Superconducting properties of GdxPb1−xMo6S8 (x = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) compounds / A.V. Terekhov, D. L. Bashlakov, I.V. Zolochevskii, E.V. Khristenko, A. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov and S.A. Lachenkov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2021. – Vol. 47. – P. 110–116.



    16. A.V. Terekhov, V.M. Yarovyi, I.V. Zolochevskii, L.O. Ishchenko, E.V. Khrystenko, Superconductivity of rare-earth  borides  Dy1–xErxRh3.8Ru0.2B4 (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4) and Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4. Low Temperature Physics 49, 991–993 (2023).



    17. A.V. Terekhov, K. Rogacki, V.M. Yarovyi, Z.D. Kovalyuk, E. Lahderanta, E.V. Khristenko, A.L. Solovjov, Features of temperature dependences electrical resistance of Bi88.08Mn11.92 in magnetic fields. Low Temperature Physics 50, 543–548 (2024).







Last updated: 07/02/2025



47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine




tel.: +380(99)764-2075


© 2025,  Design by Anton Klimkin, Andrii TEREKHOV

Executive editor: Andrii TEREKHOV