Department of Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems and Nanostructured Materials



B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine


Department of Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems and Nanostructured Materials

Head of Department

Main research areas

● Spectroscopic and structural studies of condensed molecular systems and

  nanostructured materials, including atomic and molecular cryocrystals,

  substrate-free clusters of rare and molecular gases;


● Investigation of spectral and nonlinear electric current phenomena in low-

  dimensional systems and nanostructured materials, as well as of gas-

  sensitive and sensor properties of point-contact structures.


The Department was founded in 1965 for the purpose of carrying out spectroscopic studies of gaseous and solid rare elements in the vacuum ultraviolet spectral range (6-20 eV). In the late 1980’s, the research area of the Department was extended to include spectroscopic studies of high-temperature superconductors. In 2000, the research team of Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences E.T. Verkhovtseva specializing in spectroscopic and structural studies of substrate-free clusters of molecular and rare gases joined the Department. In 2014, the Department was reinforced with a new team led by Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences G.V. Kamarchuk which specializes in Yanson point-contact spectroscopy of nanostructured materials.


Until 1999, the Department was headed by the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine, Honoured Science and Engineering Worker of Ukraine, Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor Irina Ya. Fugol; in the 1999-2014 period, the head of the Department was Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences Vladimir N. Samovarov; since 2014, the Department has been under the guidance of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Professor Gennadii V. Kamarchuk.


Among the awards conferred on the researchers of the Department, these could be highlighted in the first place: State Prize of Ukraine (І.Ya. Fugol, 1977), N. Ostrovsky Prize of the Central Committee of Lenin’s Komsomol of Ukraine (G.V. Kamarchuk, 1988), A.F. Prikhotko, I. Puluj, and B.I. Verkin Prizes of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (E.V. Savchenko, 2001, E.V. Gnatchenko, 2003, and V.N. Samovarov, 2008, respectively); National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine’s distinction “For Professional Achievements” (V. Samovarov, 2009).

Gennadii V. Kamarchuk

Ph.D., Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics,





phone: +380(57)341-0918

fax: +380(57)340-3370


Scientific teams


The Department consists of 16 researchers (of whom 15 staff researchers) and 1 postgraduate student. Among them are two Doctors of Sciences and seven Candidates of Sciences (Doctors of Philosophy).


The Department has been collaborating with research centres in Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Austria, USA, and Japan and is engaged in the international scientific publishing activities: G.V. Kamarchuk is a member of the editorial boards of the Low Temperature Physics (Ukraine) and Universal Journal of Materials Science (USA) and for a long time was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Breath Research (UK), while E.V. Savchenko is a member of the editorial boards of Low Temperature Physics (Ukraine) and Modern Instrumentation (USA).



47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine


tel.: +380(57)341-0918


fax: +380(57)340-3370

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Executive editor: V.A.Gudimenko
