Vasilii A. Gudimenko
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Doctor of Philosophy)
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (ILTPE) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine
Department of Spectroscopy of Molecular Systems and Nanostructured Materials
Phone: +380(57)341-0918
Fax: +380(57)340-3370
e-mail: //
Year and place of birth: 1962, Sochi (USSR)
1984: M.Sc. – Kharkov State University, Ukraine; Speciality – Low Temperature Physics.
2021: Ph.D. – ILTPE, Kharkiv, Ukraine. Speciality – Solid State Physics.
1984: Ph.D. student – ILTPE.
1987: Engineer – ILTPE.
1988: Junior Researcher – ILTPE.
2022: Researcher – ILTPE.
Areas of scientific interests
(i) main field: Yanson point-contact spectroscopy. Point-contact gas-sensitive effect. Chemical sensors. Sensors for breath research.
(ii) other fields: Superconductors. Electron-phonon interaction.
Key publications
Author Identifiers:
G. Kamarchuk, A. Pospelov, L. Kamarchuk, V. Belan, A. Herus, A. Savytskyi, V. Vakula, D. Harbuz, V. Gudimenko & E. Faulques. Quantum mechanisms for selective detection in complex gas mixtures using conductive sensors. Sci Rep 13, 21432 (2023).
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-48207-0.
D.A. Harbuz, A.P. Pospelov, V.A. Gudimenko, A.P. Konotop, P.V. Mateychenko, D.A. Kowalska, E. Faulques and G.V. Kamarchuk. Surface morphology features of point contact gas sensors based on Cu-TCNQ compound, Mol. Cryst and Liq. Cryst, 718(1), 25-35, Taylor & Francis, 2021/3/24
DOI: 10.1080/15421406.2020.1861518.
D.O. Harbuz, A.P. Pospelov, V.I. Belan, V.A. Gudimenko, V.L. Vakula, L.V. Kamarchuk, Y.V. Volkova, G.V. Kamarchuk. New express method for melatonin determination in the human body, Low Temp. Phys. 47 (3), 233 (2021).
DOI: 10.1063/10.0003524.
G. Kamarchuk, A. Pospelov, A. Savytskyi, V. Gudimenko, V. Vakula, A. Herus, D. Harbuz, L. Kamarchuk, M. F. Pereira. On the prospect of application of point-contact sensors to solving the global security problems: an analytical review, in M.F. Pereira, A. Apostolakis (eds.) Terahertz (THz), Mid Infrared (MIR) and Near Infrared (NIR) Technologies for Protection of Critical Infrastructures Against Explosives and CBRN, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series B: Physics and Biophysics, Springer, Dordrecht, 203-225 (2021).
DOI: 10.1007/978-94-024-2082-1_15.
O.P. Pospelov, G.V. Kamarchuk, N.D. Sakhnenko, V.A. Gudimenko, M.V. Ved’, I.Yu. Yermolenko, Yu.I. Sachanova. Ternary alloy Co – Mo – W as a sensitive material of a nanostructured gas sensor (in Ukrainian), Bulletin of the NTU “KhPI”, series “Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology” 35, 88-91 (2018).
DOI: 10.20998/2079-0821.2018.35.17 // PDF (open access).
G.V. Kamarchuk, A.P. Pospelov, D.A. Harbuz, V.A. Gudimenko, L.V. Kamarchuk, A.S. Zaika, A.M. Pletnev, A.V. Kravchenko. Nanostructural point-contact sensors for diagnostics of carcinogenic strains of Helicobacter pylori (in Russian), Biophysical Bulletin 2, No 38, 66-78 (2017).
DOI: 10.26565/2075-3810-2017-38-07 // PDF (open access).
V.A. Gudimenko, D.A. Harbuz, A.S. Klimkin, V.L. Vakula, A.P. Pospelov, G.V. Kamarchuk. Selection of point-contact sensors for analysis of complex gas media, KhNU Bulletin, series “Physics”, issue 27, 26-30 (2017).
Article page // PDF (open access).
S.A. Golovko, V.A. Gudimenko, A.S. Klimkin, A.M. Pletnev, V.L. Vakula, A.S. Zaika, L.V. Kamarchuk, I.G. Kushch, A.P. Pospelov, A.V. Kravchenko, G.V. Kamarchuk. Development of Criteria for Analysis of Point-Contact Sensor Characteristics in Complex Gas Media. Universal Journal of Materials Science 4 No. 2, 32 (2016).
DOI: 10.13189/ujms.2016.040203.
A.S. Klimkin, V.A. Gudimenko, A.O. Gerus, V.V. Fisun, A.P. Pospelov, G.V. Kamarchuk, Study of tungsten point contacts’ electric conductivity in a complex gas medium, Visnyk KhNU “Physics” 1158, No. 23, 80-83 (2015).
Article page // PDF (open access).
A.I.Akimenko, F.Bobba, F.Giubileo, V.A.Gudimenko, S.Piano, A.M.Cucolo, Evidence of s-wave subdominant order parameter in YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ from break-junction tunneling spectra, Low Temp. Phys., 36 no.2, 167-170 (2010).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3319499.
Gennadiy V.Kamarchuk, Pavel N.Chubov, Vasiliy A.Gudimenko, Philippe Molinie, Annie Leblanc-Soreau, Eric C.Faulques, Modern approaches in point-contact spectroscopy and their application to probe nanoclusters in mesoscopic materials, «Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials», ed. by E.C.Faulques, D.L.Perry and A.V.Yeremenko (Kluwer Academic Publishers, NATO Science Series: "II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry - Vol. 165", Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2004), 289-298.
DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-2396-0_25.
A.I.Akimenko, R.Aoki, H.Murakami, V.A.Gudimenko, Break-junction tunneling spectra of Bi₂Sr₂CaCu₂O₈₊δ single crystals with temperature change, Physica C, 319, 59, (1999).
DOI: 10.1016/S0921-4534(99)00273-7.
Alexandre I.Akimenko, Toshiyuki Kita, Junji Yamasaki and Vasilii A.Gudimenko, Tunneling conductance of break junction with the (100) plane fracture surface of Bi₂Sr₂CaCu₂O₈, International conference «Physics and Chemistry of Molecular and Oxide Superconductors» (MOS'96), Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2-6, 1996, J. of Low Temp. Phys., 107 no.5/6, 511, (1997).
DOI: 10.1007/BF02397235.
A.I.Akimenko, V.A.Gudimenko, Zn doping effect on point-contact spectra and excess current in Y(Gd)Ba₂Cu₃O₇₋δ. Symmetry of order parameter, Physica C, 251 no.1&2, 97, (1995).
DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(95)00389-4.
A.I.Akimenko, V.A.Gudimenko, Effect of Fe doping on gaps in GdBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ, Physica C, 223 no.1&2, 83, (1994).
DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(94)90698-X.
A.I.Akimenko, G.Goll, H.v.Löhneysen, V.A.Gudimenko, Gap anisotropy and gapless superconductivity in the Zn-doped YBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ, Physica C, 213 no.3&4, 399, (1993).
DOI: 10.1016/0921-4534(93)90459-4.
A.I.Akimenko, G.Goll, H.v.Löhneysen, V.A.Gudimenko, Distribution of superconducting energy gaps in GdBa₂Cu₃O₇ obtained from point-contact spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B, 46 no.10, 6409, (1992).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.46.6409.
A.I.Akimenko, N.M.Ponomarenko, V.A.Gudimenko, I.K.Yanson, P.Samuely, and P.Kuš, Point contact spectroscopy of SmBa₂Cu₃O₇₋δ films: multigap harmonic structure, Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys., 15 no.12, 686, (1989).
Last updated: 12/20/2024
47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine
tel.: +380(57)341-0918
fax: +380(57)340-3370
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Executive editor: V.A.Gudimenko