Eugene V. Khrystenko
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.),
Senior researcher
B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine
Phone: +380(66)054-9688
Date and place of birth: August 16, 1939, Kharkiv Region, Zolochiv, Ukraine.
Area of expertise
Electronic and magnetic properties of superconducting systems.
Scientific and organizational activity
2014: Member of the Scientific Council of B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU on the problem "Electronic properties of conducting and superconducting systems".
Supervisor of PhD theses
He was the supervisor of 2 dissertations for the award of the title of Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.), which were successfully defended.
2000: State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology.
Author and co-author of more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, h-index: 10 (Google Scholar).
Key publications
1. Resistive states of superconducting channels in alternating electromagnetic field. Review article / V.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zolochevskij, E.V. Khristenko // Low Temp. Phys. – 2001. – Vol. 27, No 3, 227-252.
2. Observation of enhancement of superconductivity by an external electromagnetic field and of rf phase-slip lines in wide tin films / A.B. Agafonov, V.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zolochevskij, E.V. Khristenko // Low Temp. Phys. – 2001. – Vol. 27, No 8, 686-688.
3. Critical currents, phase slip centers, and phase slip lines in superconducting films in the absence of external magnetic field / V.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zolochevskii, T.V. Salenkova, E.V. Khristenko//Low Temp. Phys. – 2005. – Vol. 31, No 2, 127-136.
4. Enhancement of superconductivity in tin films of different widths by an external electromagnetic field / V.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zolochevskiĭ, T.V. Salenkova, E.V. Khristenko // Low Temp. Phys. – 2005. – Vol. 31, No 11, 957-962.
5. Resistive current states in wide superconducting films in zero magnetic field / V.M. Dmitriev, I.V. Zolochevskii // Superconductor Science and Technology – 2006. – Vol.19, No 4, 342 – 349.
6. Superconductivity and Magnetism of Dy1-xYxRh4B4: Candidate for Spin–Triplet Cooper Pairing / V.M. Dmitriev, A.J. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov, L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko and A.V. Terekhov // Acta Physica Polonica A. – 2008. – Vol. 114, № 1. – P. 83–90.
DOI: 10.12693/APhysPolA.114.83
7. Andreev reflection spectroscopy of the new Fe-based superconductor EuAsFeO0.85F0.15: Evidence of strong anisotropy in the order parameter / V.M. Dmitriev, E.P. Khlybov, D.S. Kondrashov, A.V. Terekhov, L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, I.E. Kostyleva, and A.J. Zaleski // Low Temp. Phys. – 2011. – Vol. 37, № 4. – P. 280–286.
8. Point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy of a magnetic superconductor Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4 / L.F. Rybaltchenko, E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, A.V. Terekhov, I.V. Zolochevskii, T.V. Salenkova, E.P.Khlybov, and A.J. Zaleski // Low Temp. Phys. – 2012. – Vol. 38, № 12 – P. 1106–1111.
9. Anisotropy of electric resistance and upper critical field in magnetic superconductor Dy0.6Y0.4Rh3.85Ru0.15B4 / A.V. Terekhov, I.V. Zolochevskii , E.V. Khristenko, L.A. Ishchenko, E.V. Bezuglyi, A. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov, S.A. Lachenkov // Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. – 2016. – Vol. 524. – P. 1–4.
10. Features of magnetoresistance and magnetic properties in Bi95.69Mn3.69Fe0.62 / A.V. Terekhov, K. Rogacki, A.L. Solovjov, A.N. Bludov, A.I. Prokhvatilov, V.V. Meleshko, I.V. Zolochevskii, E.V. Khristenko, J. Cwik, A. Los, A.D. Shevchenko, Z.D. Kovalyuk, and O.M. Ivasishin // Low Temp. Phys. – 2018. – Vol. 44, № 11. – P. 1153–1160.
11. Effect of meter-range electromagnetic irradiation on the current-voltage characteristics of wide superconducting films / I.V. Zolochevskii, A.V. Terekhov, E.V. Bezuglyi, L.O. Ischenko, E.V. Khristenko // Low Temp. Phys. – 2019. – Vol. 45, No 11, 1178-1181.
12. Superconducting properties of GdxPb1−xMo6S8 (x = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9) compounds / A.V. Terekhov, D. L. Bashlakov, I.V. Zolochevskii, E.V. Khristenko, A. Zaleski, E.P. Khlybov and S.A. Lachenkov // Low Temp. Phys. – 2021. – Vol. 47. – P. 110–116.
47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine
tel.: +380(99)764-2075
© 2025, Design by Anton Klimkin, Andrii TEREKHOV
Executive editor: Andrii TEREKHOV