Department of Point-contact Spectroscopy



Yuri  M. Chiang

Head of the research team "Transport phenomena in normal metals and strongly correlated systems"

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics,


Leading researcher


B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine


Phone: +380(95)730 7345




Date and place of birth: 30 May 1937, Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Education background


1960: NTU«KhPI», radiophysicist.


1970: Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.) – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU. Thesis “Influence of Temperature and Magnetic Field on Conductivity of Aluminum Single Crystals”.


1984: Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.) – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU. Thesis “Influence of Electron–Phonon Interaction on Conduction–Electron Transport at Low Temperatures”.


1992: Professor.



1960: Leading Engineer – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


1970: Junior Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


1973: Senior Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


1985: Leading Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


From 1988 to 1993 Yuri M. Chiang pluralizes as a Professor of the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.


The total length of scientific work is 62 years.

Area of expertise


The spheres of  Yu.M. Chiang's scientific interests are transport phenomena in solid state, non–linear features in normal–metal conductivity, common and high–temperature superconductivity, quantum–interference phenomena in NS–systems, strongly electron correlations, spin-dependent electronic conductivity. In particular, he studied kinetic phenomena in normal metals (conduction–electron scattering under size effect conditions, at high magnetic fields, deformation, varying impurity concentration, etc.), investigated transmitted phonon–drag effect in metal sandwiches, experimentally revealed negative differential conductivity in a normal metal, observed the Bernoulli effect in superconducting Indium, discovered non–linear resistance of NS boundary, studied thermopower, conductivity and magnetic susceptibility of HTSC, proposed a way to study the spin-hall effect by electrical methods.

Scientific and organizational activity


Member of the Scientific Council of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine on the problem "Electronic properties of conducting and superconducting systems".

Scientific educational work


1988 - 1993 - Professor of the H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University.


2021: Official opposition to the doctoral dissertation on F.N. Bukhanko "Phase transformations in low-dimensional electron and spin systems with competing order parameters".







Author of more than 150 scientific works, among which 80 scientific articles and 2 inventions.


  • Key publications

    Chiang Yu.N. (Tszyan). Electronic transport in an NS system with a pure normal channel. Coherent and spin-dependent effects. Superconductivity - Theory and Applications, InTechOpen book chapter, 2011.


    1. Yu.N. Chiang, V.V. Eremenko, O.G. Shevchenko / Electric Resistance of Thin Single-crystal Aluminum Plates / Soviet Physics JETP 27, №5, 706-712 (1968).


    2. Yu.N. Chiang, V.V. Eremenko, O.G. Shevchenko / Temperature dependence of the magnetic resistance of aluminum / Soviet Physics JETP 30, № 6, 1040-1047 (1970).


    3. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Temperature and Weak Deformation Effect on the Longitudinal Resistance in Aluminium / Physica Status Solidi (b) 54, №1, K47-K50 (1972).



    4. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Direct observation of phonon drag by electrons / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 6, №9, 1218-1221 (1980).


    5. Yu.N. Chiang, I.I. Logvinov / Observation of a temperature-induced electric-field domain in a metallic sample / Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur 8, №7, 774-777 (1982).


    6. Yu.N. Chiang / Superconducting conductivity modulator for wide helium-temperature range / Instruments and Experimental Techniques 28, №1-2, 224-226 (1985).


    7. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / The Bernoulli effect in superconducting indium / Sov. J. Low Temp. Phys. 12, №8, 462-464 (1986).


    8. Yu.N. Tszyan, O.G. Shevchenko, I. Volynskii / Low-Temperature Thermoelectric Power of the Indium-Cadmium System in the Vicinity of an Electronic Topological Transition Near a Point T of the Brillouin Zone / Soviet Physics-Solid State 31, №4, 645-648 (1989).


    9. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Non-linear self-oscillations in normal-superconducting contacts / Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 4, №1, 189 (1992).



    10. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Direct measurements of the Bernoulli effect in superconductors / Low Temperature Physics 22, 513-515 (1996).


    11. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Contribution of Andreev reflection to the increase in the resistance of the normal metal in a bimetallic N-S structure / Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 86, №3, 582-585 (1998).



    12. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Conductivity of normal metal with phase-coherent excitations in the presence of NS boundary / Low Temperature Physics 25, №5, 314-326 (1999).



    13. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Mesoscopic quantum oscillations of the resistance in the intermediate state of type-I superconductors / Low Temperature Physics 27, №12, 1000-1009 (2001).



    14. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko / Observation of subgap resistive oscillations in doubly connected SNS systems with the suppressed proximity effect / JETP Letters 76, №11, 670-674 (2002).



    15. Yu.N. Chiang, O.G. Shevchenko, R.N. Kolenov / Manifestation of coherent and spin-dependent effects in the conductance of ferromagnets adjoining a superconductor / Low Temperature Physics 33, №4, 314-320 (2007).



    16. Chiang Yu. N. Electric properties of erbium cobaltites / Yu. N. Chiang, M. O. Dzyuba, V. F. Khirnyĭ, O. G. Shevchenko, A. A. Kozlovskiĭ// Low Temperature Physics. – 2009. – Vol. 35, №11. – P. 876.



    17. Yu.N. Chiang, M.O. Dzyuba, O.G. Shevchenko, V.F. Khirnyi / Low-temperature resistance minimum in granular hole-doped cobaltites / Low Temperature Physics 38, №1, 59-63 (2012).



    18. M.O. Dzyuba, Yu.N. Chiang, D.A. Chareev, A.N. Vasiliev / Spin-dependent conductivity of iron-based superconductors in a magnetic field / Physica B: Condensed Matter 464, 68-73 (2015).



    19. Yu.N. Chiang, M.O. Dzyuba / Highly-sensitive analog magnetometer based on a null-picovoltmeter / Instruments and Experimental Techniques 59, №4, 565-568 (2016).



    20. Yu.N. Chiang, M.O. Dzyuba / Intrinsic spin-Hall effect in aluminum / EPL (Europhysics Letters) 120 (1), 17001 (2017).



    21. Yu.N. Chiang, M.O. Dzyuba / Non-equilibrium Spin-Hall effect in irregularly shaped aluminum and tungsten samples / Physica B: Condensed Matter 558, 44-48 (2019).



    22. Yu. N. Chiang (Tszyan), M. O. Dzyuba, Transverse spin effects in electron transport // Low Temperature Physics 49, 136 (2023).



    23. Yu. N. Chiang (Tszyan), M. O. Dzyuba, Manifestation of Edge Spin Magnetization in Normal Metal // Low Temperature Physics 50, 888 (2024).







Last updated: 07/02/2025



47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine




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