Department of Point-contact Spectroscopy



Dmytro L. Bashlakov

Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.)

Doctor of Natural Sciences

Senior researcher


B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine





Date and place of birth: November 4, 1980, Ukraine.


Education background


2003: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (Kharkiv, Ukraine), Master degree in Physics cum laude (focus on Solid State Physics).


2003-2006: postgraduate education in Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (Kharkiv, Ukraine) (focus on Low Temperature Solid State Physics).


2008: Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics (Ph.D.) – Certificate of B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU, speciality – Solid State Physics.


2008-2012: PhD student in Leiden University Faculty for Sciences (Leiden, The Netherlands) (focus on Physical Chemistry/Surface Catalysis).


2014: Doctor of Natural Sciences - Leiden Institute of Chemistry, Netherlands - Physical chemistry.



2002-2006: Engineer – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2006-2008: Junior Scientist – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2013-2016: Short stay visits to LIC in Leiden University as a Guest Researcher.


2016: Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.


2020: Senior Researcher – B. Verkin ILTPE of NASU.

Area of expertise


His interests include such aspects of solid state physics as surface physics, the physics of nanoscale objects, superconductivity, and the interaction of electrons with quasi-particle excitations.

Scientific and organizational activity


2014: Member of the Scientific Council of B. Verkin ILTP of NANS on the problem "Electronic properties of conducting and superconducting systems".

Participation in international projects


2017–2020: Volkswagen Foundation grant, Germany.



2007: Prize for Young Scientist by the President of Ukraine.







Author and co-author of 20 papers in reviewed journals, h-index 9 (Google Scholar) and 9 (Scopus).


  • Key publications

    1. I.K. Yanson, Yu.G. Naidyuk, D.L. Bashlakov, V.V. Fisun, O.P. Balkashin, V. Korenivski, A. Konovalenko, and R.I. Shekhter, Spectroscopy of phonons and spin torques in magnetic point contacts, Physical Review Letters, Volume 95, Issue 18, 186602 (2005).



    2. D.L. Bashlakov, Yu.G. Naidyuk , I.K. Yanson, G. Behr, S.-L. Drechsler,G. Fuchs, L. Schultz, D. Souptel, Point-contact spectroscopy of the borocarbide superconductor YNi2B2C in the normal and superconducting state, Journal of Low Temperature Physics, Volume 147, Issue 3, 335 (2007).



    3. D.L. Bashlakov, L.B.F Juurlink, M.T.M. Koper, A.I. Yanson, Subsurface oxygen on Pt(111) and its reactivity for CO oxidation, Catalysis Letters, Volume 142, Number 1, 1 (2012).



    4. Naidyuk Yu. G., Kvitnitskaya O. E., Gamayunova N. V., Bashlakov D. L., Tyutrina L. V., Fuchs G., Hühne R., Chareev D. A., Vasiliev A. N., Superconducting gaps in FeSe studied by soft point-contact Andreev reflection spectroscopy. Phys. Rev. B, 96, 094517-1-094517-7 (2017).



    5. Surface superconductivity in the Weyl semimetal MoTe2 detected by point contact spectroscopy // Yu.G. Naidyuk, O.E. Kvitnitskaya, D.L. Bashlakov, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, I. Chernyavskii, G. Fuchs, S.-L. Drechsler, R. Hühne, K. Nielsch, B. Büchner, D. Efremov // 2D Materials.- 2018.-V. 5, P. 045014 (1-8).



    6. Yanson point-contact spectroscopy of Weyl semimetal WTe2 // Yu.G. Naidyuk, O.E. Kvitnitskaya, D.L. Bashlakov, S. Aswartham, I. Morozov, I. Chernyavskii, G. Shipunov, G. Fuchs, S.-L. Drechsler, R. Hühne, K. Nielsch, B. Büchner, D. Efremov // 2D Materials.- 2019.-V. 6, P. 045012 (1-10).



    7. Sub-kelvin Andreev reflection spectroscopy of superconducting gaps in FeSe / D.L. Bashlakov, N.V. Gamayunova, L.V. Tyutrina, J. Kačmarčik, P. Szabó, P. Samuely, and Yu.G. Naidyuk // Low Temperature Physics.- 2019.-V. 45, P. 1222.



    8. Switchable domains in point contacts based on transition metal tellurides // Yu.G. Naidyuk, D.L. Bashlakov, O.E. Kvitnitskaya, B.R. Piening, G. Shipunov, D.V. Efremov, S. Aswartham,  B. Büchner // Phys. Rev. Materials.- 2021.-V. 5, P. 084004.







Last updated: 07/02/2025



47 Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine




tel.: +380(99)764-2075


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