Name :

Gennadiy Feldman



Business address: 

Mathematical Division, B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
Prospekt Nauky 47, Kharkiv, 61103, Ukraine




Doctor of Science (Dr. Hab.) (Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics), Vilnius State University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1985. Thesis "Arithmetic of Probability Measures on LCA Groups"

Candidate of Science (PhD) (Functional Analysis and Function Theory), Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1973. Thesis: "Harmonic Analysis of nonunitary representations of LCA groups" (Supervisor Prof. Yu. Lyubich)

Postgraduate: Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1970-1973

Master of Science (Function Theory): Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1970.
Thesis: "Prime Ideals of Algebras of Analytic Functions" (Supervisor Prof. V. Katsnelson)

Graduate: Kharkiv State University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 1965 -1970


Deputy Director of B. Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine - Head of  the Mathematical Division,  Kharkiv, 2012 - present time

Head of the Department of Function Theory of the same Institute 2001- present time

Leading Research Fellow, the same Institute, 1992 - 2001

Senior Research Fellow, the same Institute, 1979 - 1992

Junior Research Fellow, the same Institute, 1973 - 1979

Professor (part time), Kharkiv National University, 1986 - 1996

Senior lecturer (part time), the same University, 1973 - 1986


Mitropolskiy Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2021) (together with V. Slyusarchuk and M. Shcherbina) for the series of works "New analytical methods in the theory of nonlinear oscillations, the theory of random matrices and in characterization problems

State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology (2018) (together with A. Kochubey, M. Shcherbina, O. Rebenko, I. Mykytyuk, V. Samoilenko, A. Prykarpatski) for the work ?Qualitative methods of research models of mathematical physics?

Elected as a Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018)

Chief of the Ukrainian-French Research project "Network of Mathematical Research" (2013-2015)

Member of the Ukrainian-French Research project "DNIPRO" (2013-2014)

Member of the Ukrainian-Russian Research Project "Research of asymptotic characteristics of random matrices and probability problems of the classical group theory and their representations" (2010-2011)

Member of the Ukrainian-French Research Project "Mathematical physics, methods and applications" in frameworks of PICS Program (2009-2011)

Ostrogradsky Prize of  the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2009) (together with L. Pastur and M. Shcherbina) for the series of researches   "Probabilistic problems on groups and spectral theory"

Member of the Ukrainian-French Research project DNIPRO (2007-2008)

The Joseph Meyerhoff Visiting Professorship, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel (October, 2002 ? January, 2003)

NATO Fellowships, University of d'Angers, Angers, France (September, 1998 - May, 1999)

Member of the INTAS Research project 96-0858 (October, 1997 - October, 1999)

Member of the ISF Long-Term Research Grants Program, Grants Numbers: U9S000, U9S200 (July, 1994 - December, 1995)


Executive Secretary of the Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry


Dept. of Math., University of Toronto, (01.06.2022-31.05.2024)
Dept. of Math., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 2017, 2 weeks
Dept. of Math., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 2015, 2 weeks
Math. Institute, University of Wroclaw, Poland, 2011, 1 month.
Laboratory of Math. LAREMA, Angers University, France, 2010, 1 months
Laboratory of Math. LAREMA, Angers University, France, 2009, 1 months
Laboratory of Math. LAREMA, Angers University., France, 2007, 3 months
Math. Institute, University of Wroclaw, Poland, 2007, 1 month.
Dept. of Math., Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 2004, 1 month
Dept. of Math., Weizmann Institute, Israel, (01.10.2002-31.01.2003)
Dept. of Math., Angers University, France, 2002, 2 months
Dept. of Math., Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA, 2001, 3 months
Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2001, 1 month
Dept. of Math., Weizmann Institute, Israel, 2001, 1 months
Math. Institute, University Paris-7, France, 2000, 2 months
Dept. of Stat., University of Berne, Switzerland, 1999, 1 month
Dept. of Math., Angers University, France, (01.09.1998-31.05.1999)
Dept. of Stat., Univ. of Berne, Switzerland, 1998, 1 month
Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France, 1998, 1 month
Institute Fourier, Grenoble, France, 1996, 1 month
Dept. of Stat., University of Berne, Switzerland, 1995, 1 month
Dept. of Stat., University of Berne, Switzerland, 1993, 1 month
Dept. of Stat., University of Berne, Switzerland, 1992, 1 month


Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Probability Measures on Groups, Characterization Problems of Mathematical Statistics on Groups, Functional Equations.