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Home Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering,
Alma-mater - Kharkiv National University. |
B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics and
Engineering, NAS of Ukraine. |
Staff of PCS (Prof. Yanson`s) laboratory at ILTP&E (2005).
In the lab at home Institute (2003).
Grenoble High Magnetic Field Laboratory (1988, 1997, 1998, 1999)
With Prof. P. Wyder, Dr. van Bentum,
Dr. L. Jansen (1988).
With Dr. L. Jansen in a Lab (1988).
Point-contact exp. at 20T magnet. |
View on Polygon Scientifique in Grenoble (1998). Arrow shows HMFL (CNRS).
A. von Humboldt Fellowship at the Physical Institute Uni Karlsruhe
(1994 -1995)
AvH Meeting with Bundespraesident Dr. R. von Weizsacker in Bonn (1994). |
Phys. Inst. Uni. Karlsruhe (1995).
Point-contact exp. on HFS in dilution fridge. |
Phys. Inst. Uni. Karlsruhe (1995). With Dr. E. Scheer, H. Weber,
C. Obermair, R. Haeussler and Dr. G. Goll. |
Inst. of Solid State Phys. Uni. Darmstadt (1996, 1997).
Break-junction exp. on HFS in dilution fridge. |
Leibniz-Institute for Solid State and Materials Research (IFW
Superconducting 18 T magnet (1
to 2 visits almost every year since 2002).
Workplace at KTH (Stockholm, Febr.2005; Oct.2006, Nov.2008). |
LTlab at Phys. Dep. Texas A&M Uni (College Station,USA, Oct-Dec. 2005). |
Visit to Uni Konstanz at Bodensee (July, 2009, 2011). |

Visit of Department of Low Temperature Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics SAS
-December, 2014, Kosice (Slovakia) |
Conferences, Meetings and Visits
Summer school in Alushta (Crimea, May 1991). |
Participants of PCS-1 Conference (Kharkiv, Sept. 1991). |
PCS-2 (1995). Prof. I. Yanson, Dr. N. Gribov,
Yu.G.N., Dr. N. Bobrov, Dr. O. Shklyarevskii, Prof. H. van
Kempen. |
PCS-2 (Nijmegen, 1995). Prof.
P. Seidel, Yu.G.N., Dr. L. Jansen, Dr. A. Nowack. |
Meeting with Nobel laureates (Lindau, 1994). Dr. A. Sidorenko,
Prof. K. v. Klitzing and Yu.G.N. |
LT-21 (Prague, 1996). Yu.G.N., Dr. A. Nowack, Dr. O.
Kvitnitskaya, Dr. K. Gloos. |
AvH Meeting in Kyiv (2000).
Yu.G.N., Dr. S. Duplij and Dr. S. Melich (AvH). |
NATO ARW "New trends in Superconductivity" (Yalta, 2001).
Yu.G.N., Prof. R. Shekhter and Prof. V. Korenivski in
Stockholm (March 2004). |
SCES`04, Karlsruhe (26-30 June, 2004). Conference dinner. |
NATO ARW "Nanoscale devices" (Kishinev, 2004). |
Nanosystems - 2004 (Kyiv, Oct. 2004). |
NATO ARW "Electron correlation in new materials" (Yalta, 2005).
Workshop "Trends in Nanoscience" (Kloster Irsee, Germany, Oct. 2005).
Prof. E.Scheer with daughter.
M2S-HTSC Conference (Dresden, Germany, July, 2006). Prof. L. Greene, Yu.G.N.,
Dr. P. Raychaudhuri.
"Humboldt Kolleg" (Kishinev, Sept.2006). |
Workshop "Trends in Nanoscience" (Kloster Irsee, Germany, Feb. 2007).
At Uni Konstanz (Germany). Prof. P. Leiderer, Prof. E. Scheer,
Dr. M. Klaeui (March, 2007).
Humboldt Kolleg "Energy Challenges of the 21st Century:Science,
Technology, Economy, Society" August 24-27, 2007, Odessa.
NANO Symposium - Humboldt Kolleg "NANO-2007" (Kishinev, Sept.20-22, 2007). |
Annual Meeting of AvH foundation. Reception in the park of Chateau Bellevue
with Federal President Horst Koehler and AvH President Helmut Schwarz (June, 2008, Berlin).
At LT-25, Conf. (August,2008, Amsterdam) with Prof. A. Sidorenko
Dr. A. Suslov.
At the Federal Foreign Office Conference on "Foreign Policy for the
Knowledge Society" with Prof. S. Levchenko, Prof. A. Sidorenko, Yu. G. N.
(January 21-22, 2009, Berlin).
Workshop "Trends in Nanoscience" (Kloster Irsee, Germany, Feb. 2009).
International Conference on Magnetism (July, 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany).
The 4-th Korea-Ukraine Symposium on Nanophysics (Sept. 20-25, 2009, Seoul).
Humboldt-Kolleg "Humboldt Cosmos: Science and Society" (Nov. 19-22, 2009, Kyiv).
International Workshop "Magnetic Phenomena in Micro and Nano
Structures" (May. 27-29, 2010, Donezk).
Humboldt-Kolleg "Integrating science and technology..." (June. 3-6, 2010, Minsk).

477th WE-Heraeus-Seminar "Unconventional Superconductivity" at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, April
11-13, 2011 (Germany).
Humboldt Colloquium in Budapest, Hungary, 6-8 May 2011. |
and Networking of Universities and Research Institutes"
6 – 9 October 2011,
Kishinev, Moldova |

Workshop "Trends in Nanoscience" (Kloster Irsee, Germany, Feb. 24-28, 2013). |
"Magnetic resonance as a tool for interdisciplinary research"
3- June 2013, Novosibirsk, Russia |

Humboldt-Kolleg "Resourcen der Donau-region"
June 12-16, 2013, Belgrad, Serbia.
Humboldt Kolleg "NANO-2013" (Kishinev, Sept 13-16, 2013). |

Workshop on Hot Topics in HTSC: Fe-Based Superconductors, Zvenigorod, Russia,
Sept 29 -Oct 3, 2013). |

At Conference dinner with Prof. Marian Jaskula, Humboldt Kolleg,
"Science in Georgia: Perspectives of development and the role of Humboldt Foundation",
July 4-6, 2015, Tbilisi, Georgia

Humboldt Workshop "Advances in preparation and investigation
of emergent iron-based superconductors", May 23-25, 2016, Dresden:
Low Temperature Conference, LT-28 (August,2017, Goeteborg, Sweden).

MSU-IFW-ILTPE Joint Workshop, 14-16 June, 2017, Moscow.

Visit of Prof. Jian Wang Group at International Center for Quantum Materials,
Peking University, October 17-21, 2017

Prof. I. Morozov, Prof. H. Hosono, Prof. Yu. Naidyuk and Dr. O. Kvitnitskaya at "International
Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ", 29 Apri- 4 May, 2018, Antalia.

APS March Meeting at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center ",
March 4-8, 2019, Boston (USA).

Dr. D. Efremov, I.Chernyavskii and Dr. N. Gamayunova at
VW foundation Trilateral Partnerships Meeting ",
May 13-15, 2019, Radebeul (Germany).
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