Interaction Phenomena In Crystals (MEIPIC-5) Sudak, Crimea, |
Max-Born Institute Max-Born-Strasse 2A
12489 |
B.Verkin Instiute for Low
Temperature |
Dear Colleagues, The NATO Advanced Research Workshop
Magnetoelectric Interaction Phenomena In Crystals
will be held in Sudak (Crimea), Ukraine, 21-24 September 2003 (arrival 20 September,Saturday, departure 25 September, Thursday).The workshop location is Sudak which is in two hours of the way by bus from Simferopol International airport. is a regular air trip from Kiev to Simferopol (departure at 8.00, arrival at 10.00, local time), and a regular bus voyage between the Simferopol and Sudak. The workshop will be held in the touristic-health complex "Sudak" (Lenin St. 89, Sudak).
Sudak is a picturesque and original Crimean corner located on the coast of Black Sea. Sudak and its vicinities are rich in sights: Sudak Fortress, whimsical mountains, wild cliffs, misterious grottoes. The fortress in Sudak built by the Genoese in the 14-15 centuries is one of the most interesting monuments of medieval fortifications in Europe. participations to ARW events proceed mainly by invitation to ensure high-level contributions.
The ARW Organizing Committee will cover all local and (partly) travel expenses (of the lowest costs) of the participants. Number of working days:4.
Number of participants: between 30-40.
Objective: Discussions about new manifestations of magnetoelectric interactions in crystals, including the role of electron orbital and toroidal moments in magnetoelectric phenomena, ingomogeneous effects in magnetic domain walls, layered systems and composites, experimental techniques of magnetoelectric measurements, and of magnetic structure investigations.Organizing Committee: V.Eremenko, M.Fiebig, H.Schmid, I.Chupis.
Key Speakers:
I.Chupis, B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature, Kharkov,Ukraine
V.Eremenko,B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature,Kharkov,Ukraine
M.Fiebig, Max-Born Institute, Berlin, Germany
E.Hanamura, Chitose Institute of Science and Technology, Hokkaido, Japan
R.Pisarev, Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute,St.Petersburg,Russia
Yu.Popov, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
T.Rasing, Research Inst. for Materials,Nijmegen, Netherlands
D.Sannikov, Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, Russia
S.Saxena, Cavendish Lab.of University of Cambridge, UK
N.Spaldin, University of California,Santa Barbara, USA
G.Srinivasan, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA
I.Vitebskiy, California University at Irvine, USA
The participants present the works as oral and a poster reports. Time for the presentations for Key-Speakers is 40 min., oral reports 20 min.The transparencies will be demonstrated only by over-head projector.
A final sharp deadline for abstracts (one page in Word, without the pictures) is 1 August.
The Proceedings of the workshop will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers as a volume in the NATO Sciences Series. Manuscript will be collected and reviewed during the workshop. The participants are kindly asked for three hard copies of the manuscript(including original figures) as well as the electronic version of the manuscript on a diskette in PC format( the preferred form is an NSWord file,although TEX files will also be accepted).The manuscript should be camera-ready according to the The paper presented as poster are assumed to be in the form of short communications of the original work with the total length of the manuscript(including the estimated place for figures) of 4 pages. In contrast the authors of oral contribution are requested to present review-type manuscript with a total length of up to 12 pages.
Sincerely yours,
Co-Director of ARWe-mail:
Prof. V.Eremenko
Co-Director of ARW Director
of B.Verkin ILTe-mail: