Monographs of Institute's Researchers on Physics

2000 - 2010 1990 - 1999

1980 - 1989

1970 - 1979

1960 - 1969

1960 - 1969

  1. Palatnik L.S., Landau A.I. 
    Phase equilibrium in multi-component systems.
    Izdatel'stvo Kharkovskogo Universiteta, 1961. - 405 p.
  2. Lubarskii I.M. 
    Improvement of wear resistance of heavy loaded gears.
    M.: Mashinostroenie, 1965. - 130 p.
  3. Pustovalov V.V. 
    Heat conductivity of refractory materials.
    M.: Metalurgiya, 1966. - 100p.
  4. Dmitrenko I.M. 
    Quantum effects in superconductivity.
    M.: Znanie, 1968. - 48 p.
  5. Ratner A.M
    Spectral, spatial and time characteristics of a laser. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1968. - 203 p.
  6. Esel'son B.N., Blagoi Yu.P., Grigorjev V.N., Manzhelii V.G., Mikhailenko S.A. Neklyudov N.P. 
    Properties of liquid and solid hydrogen. 
    M.: Izdatel'stvo Standartov, 1969. - 155 p.
  7. Dmitrenko I.M. 
    Electronics and ultralow temperatures. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1969. - 155 p.

1970 - 1979

  1. Kulik I.O., Yanson I.K. 
    Josephson effect in superconducting tunnel structures. 
    M.: Nauka, 1970. - 592 p.
  2. Ratner A.I. 
    High angular-spread quantum oscillator of light. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1970. - 216 p.
  3. Pustovalov V.V. 
    Methods of studying plasticity and strength of solids at low temperatures.
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1971. - 95 p.
  4. Kosevich A.M. 
    The fundamentals of crystal lattice mechanics. 
    M.: Nauka, 1972. - 280 p.
  5. Kulik I.O., Yanson I.K. 
    The Josephson effect in superconducting tunneling structures.
    Jerusalem: Keter press, 1972. -182 p.
  6. Ratner A.M. 
    Spectral, spatial and temporal properties of lasers.
     New York, London: Plenum press, 1972. - 220 p.
  7. Kragelskii I. V., Chichinadze A.V., Lubarskii I.M., Ignatjeva Z. V., Lzutsau V.G., Sinaisky V.M., Marchenko E.A. 
    Study into structure of friction materials under friction. 
    M.: Nauka, 1972. - 131 p.
  8. Borovic E.S., Milner A.S., Eremenko V.V.
    Lectures on magnetism
    2-nd edition, revised and supplemented : The Textbook for students of institute faculties of physics.
    Izdatelstvo Kharkovskogo Universiteta, 1972. - 247 p.
  9. Eselson B.N., Grigorjev V.N., Ivantsov V.G., Rudavski E.Ya., Sanikidze D.G., Serbin I.A. 
    Solutions of He3 - He4 quantum liquids.
    M.: Nauka, 1973. - 424 p.
  10. Kragelskii I.V., Lubarskii I.M., Guslyakov A.A., Troyanovskii G.I., Udovenko V.F. 
    Friction and Wear in vacuum. 
    M.: Mashinostroenie, 1973. - 216 p.
  11. Bondarenko S.I., Sheremet V.I.
    Superconducting magnetometers and screens. 
    Kiev : Znanie, 1974. - 45 p.
  12. Dmitrenko I.M. 
    Taming of superconductivity. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1974. - 207 p.
  13. Startsev V.I., Ilichev V. Ya., Pustovalov V.V. 
    Plasticity and strength of metals and alloys at low temperatures. 
    M.: Metalurgiya, 1975. - 328 p.
  14. Startsev V.I., Bengus V.Z. 
    The dynamics of dislocations. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1975.- 328 p.
  15. Lubarskii I.M., Palatnik L.S. 
    Physics of metal friction.
    M.: Metalurgiya, 1976.- 176 p.
  16. Mende F.F., Bondarenko S.I., Trubitsyn A.V.
    Superconducting and refrigerated resonance systems.
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1976.- 81 p.
  17. Kaganov M.I., Natsik V.D. 
    Electrons, dislocations, sound. 
    M.: Znanie, 1977. - 64 p.
  18. Eselson B.N., Grigorjev V.N., Ivantsov V.G., Rudavskii E.Ya.
    Properties of liquid and solid helium.
    M.: Izdatel'stvo Standartov, 1978. - 127 p.
  19. Kosevich A.M. 
    Dislocations in the elasticity theory. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1976.- 219 p.
  20. Dmitriev V.M., Zorin A.d., Lyapunov N.V., Sidykh P.M.
    Intricate transverse waveguides.
    Izdatel'stvo Kharkovskogo Universiteta, 1979. - 128 p.
  21. Komnik Yu. F. 
    The physics of metal films. Size and structure effects. 
    M.: Atomizdat, 1979.- 264 p.

1980 - 1989

  1. Verkin B.I., Getmanets V.F., Mikhalchenko R.S. 
    Thermal physics of low-temperature sublimation refrigeration
     Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1980. - 232 p.
  2. Borovik A.E. 
    Solitons: Investigations in non-linear dynamics. New concepts.

    Poznan: Wroclawske Drukarnia Naukova, 1980. - 113 p.
  3. Dmitrenko I.M.
    In the realm of superconductivity. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1981. - 194 p.
  4. Kosevich A.M. 
    Physical mechanics of real crystals. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1981.- 328 p.
  5. Bondarenko S.I., Sheremet V.I. 
    Superconductivity application in magnetic measurements. -
    L.: Energoatomizdat, 1982. - 131 p.
  6. Verkin B.I., Pustovalov V.V. 
    Low-temperature examination of plasticity: Instruments, facilities, techniques. - 
    M.: Energoizdat, 1982. - 192 p.
  7. Eselson B.N., Ivantsov V.G., Koval V.A., Rudavskii E.Ya., Serbin I.A
    Properties of liquid and solid helium. He3 - He4 solutions: Handbook. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1982. - 231 p.
  8. Kaganov M.I., Zukernik V.M. 
    The nature of magnetism. (Library edition "Quant", vyp. 16). - 
    M.: Nauka, 1982. - 192 p.
  9. Lifshits I.M., Gredeskul S.A., Pastur L.A. 
    Introduction to the theory of disordered systems. - 
    M.: Nauka, 1982. - 360 p.
  10. Kirichenko Yu.A., Rusanov K.V. 
    Heat exchange in helium-I under free motion. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983. - 135p.
  11. Prikhotko A.F., Manzhelii V.G.,Fugol I.Ya., Gaididei Yu.B., Krupsskii I.N., Loktev V.M., Savchenko E.V., Slysarev V.A., Strzhemechnyi M.A., Freiman Yu.A., Shansii L.I. 
    Cryocrystals. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1983. - 528 p.
  12. Verkin B.I., Manzhelii V.G., Grigorjev V.N., Koval V.A., Pashkov V.V., Ivantsov V.G., Tolkacheva O.A., Zvyagina N.M., Pastur L.I. 
    Properties of hydrogen and oxygen condensed phases: Handbook. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1984. - 240 p.
  13. Verkin B.I., Nikitin V.A., Murinets-Markevich B.N., Grigorjeva K.V. 
    Cryosurgery in stomatology. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1984.- 159p.
  14. Verkin B.I., Bolshutkin D.N.,Sklovskii Yu.N. 
    A new "profession" of nitrogen. - 
    Kharkov: Prapor, 1985. - 88 p.
  15. Verkin B.I., Dmitrenko I.M., Eremenko V.V. et al. 
    Condensed state physics . - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985.- 280 p.
  16. Verkin B.I., Yanson I.K., Sukhodub L.F., Teplitskii A.B 
    Interaction of biomolecules. New experimental approaches and techniques. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985.- 164 p.
  17. Cryogenic Engineering. 
    Ed. by B.I. Verkin. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985.- 184 p.
  18. Manzhelii V.G.,Fugol I.Ya. 
    Cryocrystals: applications in science and engineering. - 
    Kiev: "Znanie" Society, UkrSSR, 1985. - 49 p.
  19. Mende F.F., Spitsyn A.N. 
    Surface impedance of superconductors.- 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985.- 240 p.
  20. Kaganov M.I., Slutskin A.A. 
    Magnetic breakdown. - 
    M.: Znanie, 1985. - 63 p.
  21. Naboikin Yu.V., Samartsev V.V., Zinovjev P.V., Silaeva N.B. 
    Cryogenic spectroscopy of molecular crystals. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1986.- 204 p.
  22. Yanson I.K.,Khotkevich A.V. 
    Atlas of point-contact spectra of electron-phonon interaction in metals: Handbook. - 
    Kiev.: Naukova Dumka, 1986. - 144 p.
  23. Belyaeva A.I., Silaev V.I., Stetsenko Yu.E. Continuous flow cryostats for laboratory studies.
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1987.- 232p.
  24. Verkin B.I., Grigorjev V.N., Ivantsov V.G., Koval V.A., Rudavskii E.Ya., Golub A.A., Zvyagina N.M. 
    Methods of producing and measuring low and ultralow temperatures: Handbook. - 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1987. - 232 p.
  25. Verkin B.I., Kirichenko Yu.A., Rusanov K.V. Heat transfer under boiling of cryogenic liquids. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1987.- 262p.
  26. Dotsenko V.I., Landau A.I., Pustovalov V.V. Present-day problems of materials. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1987.- 161p.
  27. Verkin B.I., Kirichenko Yu.A., Rusanov K.V. Heat transfer under boiling in mass force fields of different strength. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1988.- 256 p.
  28. Kosevich A.M. 
    Crystal lattice-theory (Physical mechanics of crystals): Textbook. - 
    Izdatel'stvo Kharkovskogo Universiteta, 1988. - 304 p.
  29. Collings E.W. Physical metallurgy of titanium alloys.
    Translated from english, edited by B.I. Verkin, V.A. Moscalenko. - M.: Metallurgiya, 1988. - 232p.
  30. Palatnik L.S., Ravitskaya T.M., Ostrovskaya E.L. 
    Structure and dynamic durability steels under severe loading. - 
    Chelyabinsk: Metallurgiya, 1988. - 160 p.
  31. Kosevich A.M., Ivanov B.A., Kovalev A.S. 
    Nonlinear magnetization waves. Dynamical and topological solitons.- 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1988. - 192 p.
  32. Lifshits I.M., Gredeskul S.A., Pastur L.A.
    Introduction to the theory of disordered systems.- New-York ets. Wilet, 1988.- 462 p.
  33. Boris Ieremievich Verkin (Biobibliography of scientists of the UkrSSR).
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 80 p.
  34. Verkin B.I., Gredeskul S.A., Pastur L.A., Freiman Yu.A.,Khramov Yu.A
    L.V. Shubnikov and the physics of low temperatures.- 
    M.: Znanie, 1989. ser. Fizika, N7. - 61 p.
  35. Eremenko V.V., Kharchenko N.F.,Litvinenko Yu.G., Naumenko V.M. 
    Magneto-optics and spectroscopy of antiferromagnetic materials.- 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 262 p.
  36. Mogilevsky A.Ya., Romanov D.A. 
    Hypothalamus: brain activation and sensory processes. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 213 p.
  37. Kosevich A.M., Kovalev A.S. 
    Introduction to the nonlinear physical mechanics. - Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1989. - 303p.
  38. Naidyuk Yu.G., Yanson I.K. Point-contact spectroscopy. - M.: Znanie, 1989. - 63 p.
  39. Shikin V.B., Monarkha Yu.P. Two-dimensional charged atoms in helium.
    M.: Nauka, 1989. - 156 p.


  1. Verkin B.I., Nikitin V.A., Bozhko K.V., Murinets - Markevich B.N., Kutsevlyak V.F., Krupnik P.B.
    Low temperatures in stomatology.
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 272 p.
  2.  Selected works. Memoirs. B.I. Verkin, editor-in-chief.
    L.V. Shubnikov , Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 352p.
  3. Zhitomirsky M.S
    Physico-mathematical essentials of cryostating systems. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 222p.
  4. Heat-and mass transfer in cryogenic engineering. Collected works
     ed. by Kirichenko Yu.A. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 171 p.
  1. Belyaeva A.I., Sirenko V.A. 
    Cryogenic multilayer coating. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1990. - 276 p.
  2. Boiko V.S., Garber R.I., Kosevich A.M. 
    Reversible plasticity of crystals. M.: Nauka, 1991. - 279 p.
  3. Handbook of properties of condensed phases of hydrogen and oxygen. ed. by B.I. Verkin.
    New York : Hemisphere, 1991. - 276p.
  4. Blagoi Yi. P., Galkin V.L., Gladchenko G.O., Kornilova S.V., Sorokin V.A., Shkorbatov A.F
    Metal complexes of nucleinic acids in solutions. Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1991. - 270 p.
  5. Applied cryogenic and vacuum material science.
     Collected works ed. by Lavrentjev F.F.  Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1991. - 150 p.
  6. Kosevich A.M.
     Classical oscillations of magnetic resistivity of an electron gas in the periodic potential of a macroscopic period.-in : Problems of theoretical physics.  Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1991.- 196 p.
  7. Myshkis A.D., Babskii V.G., Zhukov M. Yu., Kopachevskii N.D., Slobozhanin L.A., Tyuptsov A.D.
     Methods of solving the problems of hydromechanics for zero gravity. 
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1992.- 592 p.

  8. Kirichenko Yu.A., Koslov S.M., Rusanov K.V., Serwgin V.E., Troyanov A.M., Tyurina E.G. 
    Heat transfer under boiling of nitrogen and problems of high-Tc superconductor cooling.  
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1992. - 392 p.
  9. V.V. Eremenko, N.F. Kharchenko, Yu.G. Litvinenko, V.M. Naumenko.  
    Magneto-Optics and Spectroscopy of Antiferromagnets.
    Springer Verlag, 1992 - 276p.
  10. Verkin B.I., Sokolov S.S 
    Introduction to the physics of helium
    .  Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1993. - 335 p.
  11. E.S. Syrkin, A.G. Shkorbatov, A. Feher. 
    Resonance heat transfer through an impurity monolayer.- in Phonon Scattering in Condensed matter. 
    Berlin,- Springer-Verlag, 1993.- p.421
  12. V.S. Boyko, R.I. Garber, A.M. Kosevich. 
    Reversible crystal plasticity. Am. Inst. of Phys., 1994.- 294p.
  13. A.V. Khotkevich, I.K. Yanson. 
    Atlas of pointcontact spectra of electron-phonon interactions in metals. 
    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995, 151p.
  14. Monarkha Yu.P. 
    The kinetics of two-dimensional electrons at liquid helium surface.  
  15. Manzhelii V.G. et al. 
    The Physics of cryocrystals. AIP Press, New York, 1996.
  16. V.G. Manzhelii, A.I. Prokhvatilov, I.Ya. Minchina, L.D. Yantsevich, "Handbook of Binary Solutions of Cryocrystals", New-York, Wallingford (UK), beqell house Inc., 1996, 236p.
  17. Yu.P. Monarkha. 
    "Electron transport on a Liquid Helium surface", (in the book "Two-dimensional Electron Systems on the Helium and other Cryogenic Substrates", edd. by Eva Y. Andrei), 
    Kluwer Academic Publisherrs, 1997, p. 69-88
  18. V.G. Manzhelii, A.I. Prokhvatilov, V.G. Gavrilko, and A.P. Isakina
    "Structure and Thermodynamic Properties of Cryocrystals"
    (Handbook), Begell House Inc., New-York, 1999, 320p.
  19.   A.N. Kosevich "The Crystal Lattice Phonons,Solitons, Dislocations",
    Willey-VCH, Germany,1999,320


  1. Verkin B.I., Grigor`ev V.M., Ivantsov V.G., Koval` V.A., Rudavskii E.Ya., Golub A.A., Zvyagina N.M. 
    Methods of obtaining and measuring low and ultralow temperatures(Japanese)
    , Kyushu University Press Japan, Kyushu, 2000, 243 pp.

  2. Prokhvatilov A.I. 
    Plasticity and Elasticity of Cryocrystals,
    Begell House, Inc.USA, New-York, 2001, 237 pp.

  3. Faulques E.C., Perry D.L., Yeremenko A.V.  
    Spectroscopy of Emerging Materials. "Kluwer"
    The Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2004, 414pp

  4. Еременко В.В., Сиренко В.А.
    Магнитные и магнитоупругие свойства антиферромагнетиков и сверхпроводников."Наукова Думка"Украина, Киев, 2004, 295 pp.( in Russian)

  5. Dekhtyaruk L.V., Kolesnichenko Yu.A., Peschansky V.G.
    Kinetic Phenomena in Metallic Multilayers (Review) "Cambridge Scientific Publishers Ltd", UK, Cambridge,2004,113 pp

  6. Огурцов А.Н.
    Механизмы ферментативных реакций. "НТУ "ХПИ""Украина, Харьков, 2004, 75 pp.( in Russian)

  7. Alexandrov A.S., Demsar J., Yanson I. K. (editors)
    Molecular Nanowires and Other Quantum Objects - in Book Series: NATO SCIENCE SERIES: II: Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry : Vol.148"Kluwer", The Netherlands, Dordrecht, 2004,  445 pp.

  8. Naidyuk Yu. G., Yanson I. K.
    Point-Contact Spectroscopy"Springer", USA, New-York, 300 pp

  9. Zvyagin A.A. Finite Size Effects in Correlated Electron Models: Exact results, "Imperial College Press", Great Britain, London, 2005, 380 pp.

  10. Monarkha Y., Kono K.
    Two-Dimensional Coulomb Liquids and Solids, "Springer", Germany, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2004,  346 pp.

  11.   Arnold M.Kosevich
    The Crystal Lattice. Phonons, Solitons, Dislocations, Superlattices (Second Edition), "WILEY-VCH", Germany, Weinheim, 2005, 345 pp.

  12. Kosevich A.M., Kovalev A.S.(8 entries)
    Encyclopedia of Nonlinear Science"Routledge",
    USA, New York and London, 2005, 800 pp.

  13. Різак В.М., Різак І.М., Рудавський Е.Я.
    Кріогенна фізика і техніка"Київ, Наукова думка",
    Україна, Ужгород, 2006, 512 стор.

  14. Шкорбатов А.Г
    Метод парциальных волновых функций и структура временного интервала между последовательными квантовыми переходами,
     "Фактор" 2006",Украина, Харьков, 63 стр.

  15. Савицький В.М.
    Властивості магнітовпорядкованої речовини: курс лекцій для студентів 4 курсу фізичного факультету, "Харків.: ХНУ, 2006. - 89 с."

  16. Савицький В.М.
    Магнітні властивості атома та слабкий магнетизм: курс лекцій для студентів 3 курсу фізичного факультету, "Харків.: ХНУ, 2006. - 89 с."

  17. Eremenko V., Sirenko V.
    Magnetic and Magnetoelastic properties of antiferromagnets and superconductors"Cambridge Scientific Publishers"England, Cambridge, 324 pp.

  18. Pustovalov V.V., Fomenko V.S.
    Influence of a superconducting transition on the macroscopic characteristic of the plasticity of metals and alloys: fundamental and applied aspects. In: "Leading-edge materials science research""Nova Science Publishers", USA, New York, 84 pp.

  19. Pustovalov V.V. Plasticity of Metals and Alloys"Nova Science Publisher, Inc." США, New York 131 pp..

  20. Wills, J.M., Alouani, M., Andersson, P., Delin, A., Eriksson, O., Grechnyev, O. Full-Potential Electronic Structure Method: Energy and Force Calculations with Density Functional and Dynamical Mean Field Theory"Springer" Germany, 200 pp.