Purpose - Objectives
The purpose and objectives of the Cryogenic Society of
America are to:
- encourage the dissemination of information concerning low
temperature processes and techniques
- bring together those in all disciplines concerned with
the applications of low temperature technology
- promote research and development of low temperature
processes by meetings, professional contacts, papers,
reports and publications
- increase public awareness of the usefulness of cryogenic
CSA was formed in 1964 and derived most of its initial members
from the aerospace industry. However, the membership is now
diversified to include engineers, physicists, other scientists,
sales representatives, technicians, all levels of management,
systems designers and operators and a host of other
occupations... with a wide range of academic degrees and from
more than 12 countries. In 1971, the Helium Society was
incorporated into CSA.
Membership Benefits
- Local Meetings- Timely programs of current
interest. Personal interaction with CSA members and
others involved with cryogenics at the local level.
Increased knowledge of the many aspects of the field
through networking with peers. Tours of cryogenic
installations and research laboratories.
- CSA Publications- Quarterly newsletter, COLD
FACTS, to all members. Opportunity to publish
articles, letters to the editor, free position wanted
- University Cooperation Program with universities
in chapter areas. National and international meetings
present papers, exhibits; meet and exchange information
with people involved with cryogenics on the national and
international level.
CSA members are interested in all areas of cryogenics - from
basic research to direct applications. Some of our members'
interests are:
- Superconductivity (high and low temperature)
- Magnetic Refrigeration
- Air Separation
- Fluid Storage & Transfer Systems
- Cryogenic Wind Tunnels
- Aerospace Applications
- Cryobiology
- Food Freezing
- Communications
- Medical Applications
- Research at National Laboratories
- Physics Machines
- Transportation Systems
- In-Transit Refrigeration
- Automotive Fuel Applications
- Energy Sources and Utilization
- Cryo-Refrigeration
- Liquefied Natural Gas
- Cryogenic Grinding
- Reclamation of Waste Materials
- Cryosurgery
- Safety in Cryogenic Systems
- Publishing
- Research & Development
- Liquid Helium Applications
- ... and many others